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September 2016


Who knows when it come?

It came suddenly and grab the lives. It only give sadness to the people surrounded us. No matter how rich or how poor you are but death will come to all at once to conquer. It take our life without any mercy. Life begins with happiness (birth) and ends with sorrow (death). Without birth Life will not begin likewise without death Life will not end. Every start must has an end. So make use of priceless time to fulfill your wish and thoughts. Life is very short and fill with precious moments so enjoy your life before death conquer you.


It was a dark night and I was walking all alone in a forest during full moon day . The forest was dense and fill with long tress, in some places darkness made me blind. I was searching for a way to get out of this serious situation I don’t know why I came here and suffering here with darkness and fear. At that time I saw a woulf moving about the trees  I hide myself in the darkness to escape from the wolf. The darkness is the only thing to help me in this forest but it also bring me the fear. I proceed my way when the wolf leave the place. There where silence everywhere only the moving legs make the sound. The sound is disturbing my mind when I stop walking the sound of my leg still not stop. I don’t know what is happening around me I thought that it was the woulf who make it’s visit again. The sound get increased and transformed into a bell sound and the bell sound was transformed into an alarm sound suddenly  the real fear arose in my mind it made me to wake up from my bed and note me that I am getting late to school.



Like us animals too have senses such as sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste. All animals identify their surroundings through their sensory organs. Some animals sensory organs help them for self protection. There are lot of difference between the way we saw objects and the way animals see objects.

List of facts about some animals 

  • Birds like vulture and eagle can see objects four time the distance seen by man.
  • A chameleon can use its two eyes at the same time to see two different directions.
  • Rabbit can see all the objects around it with out turning its head.
  • During night time the eye sight of the tiger is six times greater than that of the man.
  • Hearing capacity of dog is 40 times greater than humans.
  • Hearing capacity of rat is 90 times greater than humans.
  • Elephant can feel vibration through its trunk.
  • Butterflies sense taste with the help of their legs.
  • Honeybees sense taste with the help of their jaws, forelimbs and antennae.
  • Earthworms sense taste through their whole body.



The word vegetable was fist recorded in English during 15th centuries. The word vegetable comes from old French. The meaning of vegetable as a plant grown for food was not established until 18th century.The exact meaning of vegetable is “different parts of plant used as food;” The parts include the stem, flower, root and fruit.

Before the identification of plant species man done his living by hunting animals. After the identification of plants in the surrounding man make use of the useful plants and gather the plants and use it as food. Later the development of agriculture give life to many plant species. Researches where made towards plant to invent new species of plants.Plant and trees give life to this world and make it as a living world. Plants store their food in different parts. Some plants store their food in their stem some stores their food in their root and some in their branch.


Plants like tomato, brinjal, store their food above the soil, plants like potato, groundnut store their food below the soil. Beetroot, carrot, radish, tapioca are grown in root. Sugarcane, onion, potato, ginger, turmeric are grow in the stem. Cabbage, greens, mint leaves are grown in leaves.

Seed germination is a process by which a plant emerges from the seed. These plants play important role in food chain. Without plant there is no food in this world. “So save plants to save Humans.”



via Daily Prompt: Together


DAY gives a pleasant feelings some times it gives fear some times sufferings some times bad experience some times boring whatever it may give but it give light to the world. It give motivation to maximum living things in the world. Good day is judge through the good experience gained by human but the bad day results only to sadness. However, a day may teach new experience to human those experience may bring sweet and bitter feelings but they only stands in human mind as past.


NIGHT may cause fear it is ruled by darkness and give life to minimum number of animals. Stares and Moon act to show direction to living things during night time. Evil and ghosts rise and rule the world during night time. They use the power of darkness to rule the world. 

What happens when day meet night or night meet day?

There is two possibility when day meet night day is converted to night with darkness or night is converted to day by day light.what ever it is day and night never meet together.when night come day will gone away and day comes night will gone away from this we come to known that day and night never meet together.

when day meet night

Day and Night together rule the world with light and darkness.

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